Getting Started

Below you find some instructions if you just like to “play” around with finmath-lib

Getting started if you are new to Java

If you are new to software development the first thing you need is an IDE (integrated development environment). You may have a look at Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans.

Checking out the finmath lib source code from its repository.

The finmath lib source code is available from GitHub. Visit finmath-lib on GitHub. You may directly import the code into your IDE from Git.

Importing the finmath lib source code into Eclipse

To import the source code into your Eclipse workspace:

The recommended way is to import the project as a maven project. To do so:

Alternatively you can import the project as “Project from Git” (this works, because an Eclipse .project file is part of the repository):

Importing the finmath lib source code into IntelliJ IDEA

To import the source code into IntelliJ IDEA:

  • File -> New -> Project from Version Control
  • Enter the URL
  • Select “Clone”.
  • After the project has been imported: Select “Add as Maven Project”, e.g. by
  • context menu (right click) on pom.xml or
  • select “+” in the Maven projects tab.

Inspecting the source code / running some tests.

The main library code is available in the folder src/main/java.

There are some unit test available under the folder src/test/java. Inspecting theses tests may serve as a good entry point.

Running the unit test in Eclipse:

In Eclipse right click on any class file in src/test/java and select

  • Run As -> JUnit Test

to run the test.

Running the unit test in IntelliJ:

In IntelliJ right click on the project and select

  • Run “All Tests”

Creating your own project

Creating your own project using finmath-lib in Ecipse

To create your own projects which uses finmath-lib:

In Eclipse

  • File -> New -> Java Project
  • Enter a name for the project
  • Right click on the new project and select “Properties”.
  • Select “Java Build Path -> Projects” and add the (imported) finmath lib project.

By this, your project “knows” finmath lib and you may use all the classes from finmath lib.