Interface IndependentIncrements

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BrownianBridge, BrownianMotionFromMersenneRandomNumbers, BrownianMotionFromRandomNumberGenerator, BrownianMotionLazyInit, BrownianMotionView, BrownianMotionWithControlVariate, CorrelatedBrownianMotion, GammaProcess, IndependentIncrementsFromICDF, JumpProcessIncrements, MertonJumpProcess, VarianceGammaProcess

public interface IndependentIncrements
Interface description of a time-discrete n-dimensional stochastic process \( X = (X_{1},\ldots,X_{n}) \) provided by independent increments \( \Delta X(t_{i}) = X(t_{i+1})-X(t_{i}) \). Here the dimension n is called factors since this process is used to generate multi-dimensional multi-factor processes and there one might use a different number of factors to generate processes of different dimension.
Christian Fries
  • Method Details

    • getIncrement

      default RandomVariable[] getIncrement(int timeIndex)
      Return the increment for a given timeIndex. The method returns the random variable vector Δ X(ti) := X(ti+1)-X(ti) for the given time index i.
      timeIndex - The time index (corresponding to the this class's time discretization)
      The vector-valued increment (as a vector (array) of random variables).
    • getIncrement

      RandomVariable getIncrement(int timeIndex, int factor)
      Return the increment for a given timeIndex and given factor. The method returns the random variable Δ Xj(ti) := Xj(ti+1)-X(ti) for the given time index i and a given factor (index) j
      timeIndex - The time index (corresponding to the this class's time discretization)
      factor - The index of the factor (independent scalar increment)
      The factor (component) of the increments (a random variable)
    • getTimeDiscretization

      TimeDiscretization getTimeDiscretization()
      Returns the time discretization used for this set of time-discrete Brownian increments.
      The time discretization used for this set of time-discrete Brownian increments.
    • getNumberOfFactors

      int getNumberOfFactors()
      Returns the number of factors.
      The number of factors.
    • getNumberOfPaths

      int getNumberOfPaths()
      Returns the number of paths.
      The number of paths.
    • getRandomVariableForConstant

      RandomVariable getRandomVariableForConstant(double value)
      Returns a random variable which is initialized to a constant, but has exactly the same number of paths or discretization points as the ones used by this BrownianMotion.
      value - The constant value to be used for initialized the random variable.
      A new random variable.
    • getCloneWithModifiedSeed

      IndependentIncrements getCloneWithModifiedSeed(int seed)
      Return a new object implementing BrownianMotion having the same specifications as this object but a different seed for the random number generator. This method is useful if you like to make Monte-Carlo samplings by changing the seed.
      seed - New value for the seed.
      New object implementing BrownianMotion.
    • getCloneWithModifiedTimeDiscretization

      IndependentIncrements getCloneWithModifiedTimeDiscretization(TimeDiscretization newTimeDiscretization)
      Return a new object implementing BrownianMotion having the same specifications as this object but a different time discretization.
      newTimeDiscretization - New time discretization
      New object implementing BrownianMotion.