Uses of Interface

Packages that use DiscountCurve
Provides characteristic functions of stochastic processes (models).
Provides interface specification and implementation of a model, which is essentially a collection of curves.
Provides interface specification and implementation of curves, e.g., interest rate curves like discount curves and forward curves.
Provides interface specification and implementation of volatility surfaces, e.g., interest rate volatility surfaces like (implied) caplet volatilities and swaption volatilities.
Algorithms related to bootstrapping and interpolation of caplet implied volatilities.
Provides interface specification and implementation of products, e.g., calibration products.
Provides interface specification and implementation of volatility surfaces, e.g., interest rate volatility surfaces like (implied) caplet volatilities and swaption volatilities.
Provides interface separating implementation from specification (of models and products)
Equity models implementing ProcessModel e.g.
Provides interfaces and classes needed to generate a Hybrid Asset LIBOR Market Model.
Provides interfaces and classes needed to generate interest rate models model (using numerical algorithms from net.finmath.montecarlo.process.
Interest rate models implementing ProcessModel e.g.
Provides classes which implement financial products which may be valued using a net.finmath.montecarlo.interestrate.LIBORModelMonteCarloSimulationModel.
Contains classes for parsing files.