Package net.finmath.marketdata2.products

package net.finmath.marketdata2.products
Provides interface specification and implementation of products, e.g., calibration products. Products can be valued using the model (which provides valuation curves).
Christian Fries
  • Class
    The interface which has to be implemented by a product which may be evaluated using an AnalyticModelFromCurvesAndVols.
    Implements the valuation of a single cashflow by a discount curve.
    Implements the valuation of the (overnight) deposit (maturity t+1 or t+2).
    Implements the valuation of a forward using curves (discount curve, forward curve).
    Implements the valuation of a FRA in multi-curve setting.
    Implements the valuation of a market forward rate agreement using curves (discount curve, forward curve).
    Implements an analytic product given by the ratio of two analytic products.
    Implements the valuation of a portfolio of products implementing AnalyticProductInterface.
    Implements the valuation of a swap using curves (discount curve, forward curve).
    Implements the valuation of a swap annuity using curves (discount curve).
    Implements the valuation of a swap leg with unit notional of 1 using curves (discount curve, forward curve).